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Website Guidelines

No 18+ Content:

Why: To maintain a safe and inclusive online environment, it's important to prohibit adult content. Such content can be offensive, inappropriate, and illegal for minors to access. This rule ensures that the site is family-friendly and compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

No Gambling Links:

Why: Gambling links can lead to addiction and financial harm. By prohibiting gambling links, the site can help protect vulnerable individuals, prevent illegal gambling activities, and ensure a positive and responsible online community.

No Illegal Links:

Why: Posting links to illegal content, including pirated software, copyrighted materials, or websites promoting illegal activities, is against the law and can lead to legal consequences. This rule helps maintain the site's legality and reputation.

No Hate Speech or Discrimination:

Why: Hate speech and discrimination create a hostile environment and can lead to harassment, harm, and the exclusion of certain groups. By prohibiting this behavior, the site promotes tolerance and inclusivity.

No Personal Information Sharing:

Why: Sharing personal information can be a breach of privacy and may lead to identity theft, harassment, or other malicious activities. Prohibiting personal information sharing helps protect users' privacy and safety.

No Malware or Phishing Links:

Why: Malware and phishing links can infect users' devices or steal their sensitive information. This rule helps maintain the security and trustworthiness of the site.

No Links to Papa John's Pizza:

Why: To maintain a comfortable and inclusive environment for all users, we prohibit links to Papa John's pizza due to concerns expressed by some members. This rule aims to ensure that discussions and content on the platform do not negatively affect individual users. Users are welcome to discuss and share links related to other pizza brands and types.

No Spam:

Why: Excessive spam can overwhelm the platform, making it less enjoyable for other users. These rules maintain the quality of content and ensure that links are shared for their value to the community, rather than for personal gain.

Respect Copyright and Intellectual Property:

Why: Encouraging users to respect copyright and intellectual property rights ensures the platform complies with legal standards. This rule helps prevent legal issues and encourages ethical behavior.

No Child Pornography (CP) or Explicit Content Involving Minors:

Why: Child pornography is illegal, unethical, and highly disturbing. By strictly prohibiting the sharing of child pornography and explicit content involving minors, the site adheres to the law and demonstrates a strong commitment to protecting the well-being and safety of minors. This rule is essential to maintain a legal, ethical, and safe environment for all users.

No Links to Explicit or Graphic Images:

Why: Graphic or explicit images can be distressing and offensive to many users. This rule helps maintain a safe and comfortable environment for all users, ensuring that content is appropriate and respectful.

No Doxing or Personal Information Sharing:

Additional rule not included in the original content.